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Welcome To The August Elite Insights


Elite Insights - August 2024


Welcome back to Elite Insights!


In this month’s Elite Insights, we're bringing you the latest updates and resources to supercharge your HubSpot and RevOps strategy. Explore 16 new enhancements to HubSpot’s Smart CRM, catch the recording of our LinkedIn Live AMA on HubSpot's newest beta Lead Scoring, and discover the 13 must-track metrics to optimize your RevOps performance.

Read more below! 


As the HubSpot Smart CRM continues to add updates and features, we are here to make sure you're aware of them! This month we have 16 key updates that we think you should be aware of, why they are important and how you can use them. Have fun enhancing your HubSpot experience!

The August HubSpot Updates


Did you miss our LinkedIn Live AMA on HubSpot’s Newest Beta Feature: Lead Scoring with Steve Richards From HubSpot? With declining lead conversion rates and prolonged sales cycles, knowing which leads to pursue can save time and resources. An effective lead scoring solution is the key to turning visitors into leads and leads into customers.


Watch The Recording



RevOps cover the entire revenue-generation process across multiple siloed areas, including sales, marketing, and customer success departments. As a result, more KPIs are associated with RevOps than any other area of your business. To get you started on the right track, we have pinpointed 13 of the most important metrics you should be tracking as part of your RevOps strategy. 


Learn What To Track

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